A. Personal data:
Born in 1932, Slovak nationality, married, two children
B. Profession:
Professor of biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Comenius University, Bratislava
C. Professional background and activities:
•since 1992: Professor of Biochemistry, Cornenius University, Bratislava
•1997-1999: Visiting Professor, Konrad Lorenz Institutut für Evolutions- und Kognitionsforschung, Alternberg Donau, Austria
•1990-l992: Ambassador of Czechoslovakia to UNESCO, Paris
•1989-1990: Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Slovak Republic
•1977-1989: Research Scientist, Head of the Department of Bioenergetics, Institute of Animal Physiology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Ivanka pri Dunaji
•1988-1989: Visiting Professor, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
•1986-1987: Visiting Professor, University of Bordeaux II, France
•1985: Visiting Professor, University of Stockholm, Sweden
•1982-1983: Research Associate, Centre de Génetique Moléculaire, CNRS, Gif-surYvette, France
•1970-1976: Clinical chemist, Psychiatric hospital, Pezinok
•1969-1970: Visiting Professor, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA
•1967-1968: Visiting Professor, Max-Planck Institut fuer Ernaehrungsphysiologie,Dortmund, Germany
•1964: Visiting Researcher, Laboratoire de Génetique Physiologique, CNRS, Gif-surYvette, France
•1957-1970: Lecturer, later Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Comenius University, Bratislava
•1954-1957: Graduate studies, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague (Ph. D. in 1957)
•1950-1954: Studies of biochemistry, Charles University, Prague
D. Professional orientation and accomplishments:
University teaching as the main life fulfillment. Scientific research as an inseparable part of it.
Principal orientation: bioenergetics - the study of energetic aspects of life processes by using methods and concepts of biochemistry, physical chemistry and molecular biology; cognitive biology as an outgrowth of bioenergetics.
Long-lasted studies on the function and biogenesis of yeast mitochondria. Isolation and characterization of biochemical mutants deficient in oxidative phosphorylation. Discovery that two genetic systems of the cell, nuclear and mitochondrial, cooperate at the biogenesis of mitochondria. Isolation of mutants carrying lesions in biogenesis of cell membranes. Characterization of linear mitochondrial DNA from a yeast. Elaboration of new methods of genetic transformation of yeast and of transfer of isolated mitochondria into intact cells.
A concept of the evolution of affective evaluation of external stimuli. Demonstration that the fruit fly can be used as a cheap organism in pharmacology for drug testing. A comprehensive theory of the biological foundation of knowledge, called cognitive biology, representing an extension of bioenergetics into human and social sciences.
E. Political activities:
In 1957-1970, participation in different organizations of the country dealing with education and science. In 1970, in the purges that followed the Warsaw Pact military invasion into Czechoslovakia, dismissed from the University, unemployed, later only allowed to work as a clinical chemist in the country hospital, then permitted to do research but prohibited to teach.
In the 1970s and 1989s, involved in different activities aimed at the destabilization of the Communist regime.
During the Revolution of November/December 1989, nominated Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic. Later, Ambassador of Czechoslovakia to UNESCO, until the end of the federal state.
F. Memberships and awards:
•Foreign Member of the Czech Learned Society (elected in 1994)
•Founding Member of the Slovak Learned Society (1999)
•Founding Member of the Internationale Akademie Schloss Baruth (1996)
•Fellow of the Konrad Lorenz Institut für Evolutions- und Kognitionsforschung (elected 1999)
•Fellow of the World Innovation Foundation (elected in 2001)
•Research fellow of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (1995-2000)
•State Science Award (1985)
G.lnternational activities:
•Chairman of the U. N. Intergovernmental Committee for Science and Technology for Development (1990-1992)
•Member of the Advisory Committee of the U. N. Intergovernmental Committee on Science and Technology for Development (1990-1992)
•Member of the Education Committee, International Union of Biochemistry (1991-1993)
•Member of the Advisory Board, Conferences on Yeast Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1986-2001)
•Member of the Advisory Board, European Bioenergetic Conferences (1982-1985)
•Member of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life (since 1987)
•Member of the Committee, International Bioenergetic Groups (1980-1984)
•Member of the Board, International Journal of Biochemistry (1969-1979)
•Member of the Administration Board, Masaryk University, Brno (1997-2002)
•Member of the Scientific Council of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science in Europe (since 2001)
•Member of the European Group on Life Sciences (since 2002 )
•Plenary lectures at the international Congress of Genetics (1980), International Congress of Microbiology (1986), European Bioenergetic Conferences (1982, 1986)
H. Main scientific publications:
More than 150 research publications in the field of biochemistry, genetics and neurobiology in international journals Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, European Journal of Biochemistry, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Molecular and Cellular Genetics, Current Genetics, FEBS Letters, Nature, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Experientia.
Reviews on the genesis of membranes (1973), biochemical mutants in bioenergetics (1974), the future of bioenergetics (1986), cognitive biology (1986, 2000), bioenergetics between chemistry, genetics and physics (1988).
Two books of essays on science, philosophy, pedagogy and politics. Tens of essays in various Slovak and Czech journals of popularization of science, on education, cultural policy, politics.